Fashion-week Conciergerie
For your upcoming parisian showrooms, press events, pop-up stores, product launches and défilés, why not let HAPPHAPP be your local concierge !
Happhapp is a parisian event agency that boasts extensive experience in showroom management. Before, during and after your showroom, we can handle all the logistic details so that you and your team can stay focused on your business !
We can manage your events or simply put you in contact with the right parisian vendors for you and your brand’s identity at the best prices.
Venues / Caterers / Florists / Decorators / Furniture rentals / Lighting / Staff / Storage
Here are some of the companies we have helped with their showroom management, défilés, product launches and whose names we like to drop :
Carolina Herrera / MsMin / Alessandra Rich / Pirnia Collection / Le Slip Français / Deveaux / Moscone